王子と皇女と嫡子 The Prince, the Princess, and the Heir
エーデルガルト: さっきは助かったわ、ありがとう。それにしても腕が立つのね。
Edelgard: I appreciate your help back there. Your skill is beyond question.
You’re clearly an experienced mercenary. And your father… that would be Jeralt, the Blade Breaker?
Former captain of the Knights of Seiros. Oft praised as the strongest knight to ever live. Have I missed anything?
Choice 1: セイロス騎士団? The Knights of Seiros?
エーデルガルト: セイロス騎士団を知らないの? フォドラで最も有名な騎士団だと思うけれど。
Edelgard: You haven’t heard of the Knights of Seiros? The most famous order of knights in all of Fódlan?
Choice 2: 元団長とは知らなかった I didn’t know he was a captain. (Edelgard ⤴)
エーデルガルト: そんなことがあるの?何か言えない事情がありそうね……。
Edelgard: How curious. I’d wager the explanation for that is fascinating indeed.
クロード: なあ、一緒に大修道院に来るんだろ?道中いろいろ話を聞かせてくれ。
Claude: Hey! You are coming with us to the monastery, right? Of course, you are. I’d love to bend your ear as we travel.
Oh, I should mention that the three of us are students of the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach Monastery.
We were doing some training exercises when those bandits attacked. I definitely got the worst of it.
エーデルガルト: 貴方が真っ先に逃げ出すからじゃないの。
Edelgard: That would be because you ran off.
クロード: そうだった、そうだった。聞いてくれよ、あんた。
Claude: Too true! I was the first to make a strategic retreat.
Everything would have worked out if these two hadn’t followed me and ruined everything.
Because of them, every single one of those bandits chased after us. Utterly ridiculous.
ディミトリ: クロード、お前はそんなことを考えて……。皆のために囮になったものと思っていたが。
Dimitri: Ah, so that’s what you were thinking, Claude. And here I thought you were acting as a decoy for the sake of us all.
エーデルガルト: そうに決まってるでしょ。言葉の表しか見ないようじゃ、名君にはなれないわよ。
Edelgard: His intentions were as clear as day. You will prove a lacking ruler if you cannot see the truth behind a person’s words.
as clear as day - easy to see or understandyupeco.icon
ディミトリ: 言葉の裏ばかり読んで猜疑心にまみれても、名君にはなれない気がするがな。
Dimitri: Hm. You will prove a lacking ruler yourself if you look for deceit behind every word and fail to trust those whom you rely on.
クロード: おっと、帝王学の議論か?2人とも、流石だなあ。
Claude: Oh, joy. A royal debate between Their Highnesses. I wonder how being completely predictable affects one’s ability to wired power.
Personally, as the embodiment of distrust, I’d say your little exchange smacks of naiveté.
エーデルガルト: 雛!?口が減らないわね、貴方は……。
Edelgard: Me? Naive? Tell me, are you actually incapable of keeping quiet, or is your lack of self-awareness a condition of some sort?
ディミトリ: まあいい。それより今は、お前のことだ。
Dimitri: In any case, forgive our digression. I must speak with you, if you can spare a moment.
The way you held your ground against the bandits’ leader was captivating! You never lost control of the situation. It showed me I still have much to learn.
エーデルガルト: 確かにそうね。……貴方、帝国で働く気はない?
Edelgard: Your skill is precisely why I must ask you to consider lending your services to the Empire.
I might as well tell you now. I am no mere student. I am also the Adrestian Empire’s―
ディミトリ: 待て、エーデルガルト。それなら俺も話がある。
Dimitri: Halt, Edelgard. Please allow me to finish my own proposition.
The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus is in dire need of exceptional individuals like yourself.
Please, do consider returning to the Kingdom with me.
クロード: そこまでだ。まったく2人とも手が早いな。会ったその日に口説くなんてさ。
Claude: Whoa, there! You two sure are hasty. Trying to recruit someone you just met. Tactless really.
I was personally planning to develop a deep and lasting friendship on our journey back to the monastery before begging for favors.
But it seems there’s no time for niceties in this world. So, capable stranger, let’s get right to it. Where does your allegiance lie?
ソティス: こやつら……出自を異にするようじゃな。おぬしの好む国を答えてやるがよかろう。
Sothis: Hmm. It seems one’s place of birth is quite significant to them. Yet they are so impressed by you, that you may take your pick. Well?
Choice 1: 歴史ある大国 アドラステア帝国 Adrestian Empire: Land of Ancient History (Edelgard ⤴)
エーデルガルト: ふふっ、そうでしょうね。衰えたとはいえ、帝国の培ってきたものは他の比ではないわ。
Edelgard: A wise choice. Though the Empire has fallen from its former glory, the other regions are merely offshoots that pale in comparison.
Choice 2: 崇高な騎士の国 ファーガス神聖王国 Holy Kingdom of Faerghus: Land of Noble Knights (Dimitri ⤴)
ディミトリ: そうか。昔から騎士道に重きを置いてきた、高潔で立派な国だからな。
Dimitri: Understood. Faerghus is a noble and distinguished kingdom that has always valued chivalry.
Choice 3: 新しい貴族の共同体 レスター諸侯同盟 Leicester Alliance: Burgeoning League of Nobles (Claude ⤴)
クロード: ほう、珍しいな。俺は同盟領から来てるし、嬉しいよ。
Claude: Is that right? Well, that’s a win for the Alliance, so I suppose I’m obligated to be happy.
アロイス: お喋りはそろそろ終わりにしてくれ。大修道院へ向け出発するぞ!
Alois: All right, that’s enough with the small talk. It’s time to head back to the monastery.
クロード: おっと、話の続きはまた後で、だな。
Claude: Looks like we'll have to pick this up another time.
ソティス: やれやれ、慌ただしいのう、まったく。じゃが、あの小童ども……三者三様よのう。
Sothis: My, my. They are in such a hurry. You know… Each of the three is most unique…
Choice 1: エーデルガルトか…… Edelgard…
(She is a refined young woman…)
(But I feel as though she is always evaluating me…)
Choice 2: ディミトリか…… Dimitri…
(He seems quite sincere…)
(But I sense darkness lurking beneath…)
Choice 3: クロードか…… Claude...
(His easy smile is striking…)
(But that smile doesn’t reach his eyes...)
ソティス: ふん、わしと同じ見立てじゃな。ふああ……また眠くなってきたのう……。
Sothis: Yes, I thought the same. I am so sleepy once again…
I may be sleeping…but I…